Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Gidday, and a Happy New Year to you.
There's to be a change in the projected programme.
I have three cd players. At present they are all unreliable. A repair man is endevouring to source new parts for each, so that they can again be used with confidence.
In the meantime, I am not using cds.
The next book to be read is listed as "Scott and Amundsen - Their Race To The Pole". But as this book is on a cd, I have shelved that programme for the time being.
Instead I will present a book that is on a cassette tape.
It is "The Constant Gardener" written and read by John le Carré. It is in 16 parts, each of about 20 minutes, and will start on January 14th.
I hope this meets with your approval.